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What is Isidore Magazine?

Isidore is a new magazine whose goal is to embrace the spirit of rural living through the lens of Catholic values. Our magazine is a heartfelt tribute to the close-knit communities, enduring traditions, and the unwavering faith that thrives in the vast landscapes of rural Texas. Join us as we share inspiring stories, celebrate local culture, and explore the spiritual journey of rural Texans that will be uplifting to all who read this publication.

The Three Pillars of Isidore Magazine


In rural America, faith is a cornerstone of community, providing a sense of unity, purpose, and resilience in the face of the challenges and joys that come with life. Through faith, individuals find a common bond in their communities and a deep connection to the land that sustains them through the trials of rural life.

Rural Life

Rural life offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of the modern world, where peace, hard work and a close connection to nature lifts up the soul. It provides an invaluable reminder of the simple joys, self-sufficiency, and authentic relationships that form the bedrock of a fulfilling existence.


Telling the stories of the families within rural communities preserves their unique traditions and way of life. Through these narratives, we gain insight into the heart of rural America, where the bonds of family and community form a rich tapestry of history, values, and shared experiences.

Where have all the good stories gone?

It’s still out there and Isidore Magazine is a beacon of good news!

It is not hard to find bad news. Turn on the TV, get online, read the paper or glance at your phone. Something bad is happening somewhere, to some place to some person at all hours of every single day. This constant barrage of troubling information is enough to make just about anyone feel disheartened about the world we live in and question life as a whole. Isidore Magazine does not accept the dismal outlook that is painted by other sources. Instead, we aim to be a source of light and goodness to show that there is still plenty of good and good people in existence who cherish what is right and holy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the magazine really free to subscribe to?

Yes it is! Isidore is meant to be free to anyone who wants it and is sustained by advertising revenue. If you are a business or know a business that wants to advertise please have them visit the advertising page.

How can I advertise?

Visit our advertising page for more information!

Can I have Isidore Magazine delivered to me if I am out of the regional Publication area?

Yes, you can subscribe to Isidore Magazine if you live outside of the immediate publication area. We will ask for a small shipping fee to cover the extended shipping of the magazine.

I am a non-profit and want to advertise. Are there discounts?

Yes there are! Religious and educational non-profits receive 50% off of normal advertising rates. Please visit the advertising page for more information.

Contact Us!

Email Address

Call Me

(361) 524-8786

Mailing Address

208 W Clayton St.
Cuero, TX 77954